Saturday, April 30, 2011

Communicating a plan

The communication of a plan is as important, if not more important, than the plan itself. It doesn't matter if we talk about a project plan, a business plan or any other plan. As long as you need other people to achieve your plan it is key to make sure others understand what you are trying to achieve and why they should be interested to help you. Note that this applies to everyone! Good communication is not limited to a specific audience.
When you communicate your plan make sure that you do that in the most interactive format. This means whenever possible do this face-to-face. If that isn't possible that doesn't mean it can't work it just means you have to work harder to get what you are looking for. Do not try to do this in writing though! The risk that you don't get your point across is too big. If a face-to-face isn't possible try a "Skype-Meeting". If that doesn't work either you can maybe try a phone meeting if you know the people very well. In any case I think the only really acceptable format for important meetings are face-to-face or maybe a Video/Audio ("Skype") meeting.
It is a good idea to handout notes or slides at the end of your meeting so that people remember exactly what you were saying.
Keep the following points in mind for your face-to-face meeting and for your notes/presentations
  • WHY
    • Why do you want to achieve a specific goal?
      • Keep in mind that people need to buy into this goal. Prepare the meeting and address critical questions as much as possible. Ask for help to come up with critical questions!
    • Why should people be interested to help you? What is in it for them?
      • If you want to achieve the maximum benefit you need people to own the goal. Make it their goal. Show them the benefit they get when they pursue/achieve this goal. Don't do this to manipulate people but to create a true win/win situation
  • WHAT
    • What is the goal?
      • Can the goal be measured? How often will you measure it? Who will measure it?
      • What do you need from the participants/team?
  • WHO
    • Who needs to provide what by when?
  • WHEN
    • When do you want/need to achieve your goal?
    • How critical is it to achieve the goal/milestones?
  • HOW:
    • How will you measure the success?
    • How do you know if you achieved the goal?
You will achieve the highest success when people understand why you ask for something and they buy into your reasoning. Keep in mind that good communication is an ongoing process. You can and will improve when you pay attention to your communication.