Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are you Micro managing your team?

Are you sometimes tempted to give too much detailed advice or instructions to your team on how they have to approach certain tasks? If you do, how is that working for you? Is your team thankful for the detailed advice that you give them? In most cases that I know of it is hurting team morale considerably if you micro manage your team. 10-20 years back it was expected that a good manager knows everything a little better than their team. That was the reason why you were the manager. With the dawn of the knowledge age and the data explosion that has changed. I think it is no longer reasonable to expext that a manager knows every task better than the team that is working for him/her. That means the tasks of a manager have changed considerably.
As a manager of a team you spend probably a considerable amount of time in negotations with customers, other teams and management while your team is working full time on their tasks. Why would you believe that you know the detailed tasks better than your team? They spend 100% of their time on these tasks and are better at these task than you are. In any case that is fine since the leadership tasks are different.
Instead of trying to shine more than your team it is your task as a leader or manager to make your team successful and let them shine. Think about what you can and should do to make your team more successful.