Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Success measures

Who is measuring if you are doing a good job? How do you measure if your team is doing a good job? In order to determine that you have to agree on some meaningful goals ahead of time. In some cases you might set the goals in some other cases the goals are set for you. All this is pretty basic HR stuff that most people are very familiar with. In any case it is important to discuss your business goals ahead of time because they will, most likely, influence your career. Are these goals something you really want to do? Is it something that you are truly passionate about or is it just some "stuff" that you have to do? I think we all have some goals that we have to do and that we are not passionate about but since we just have one life I would love to spend the majority of my time on things that I really care about.  If that is the case your career is on the right track. If it isn't than you have to do some work to get your career back on track.
If you can't agree to many of your business goals then you should start thinking about how you can change the goals or if that is not possible about leaving the team. If you want to or have to stay with the team then you should focus your energy on your goals. Have a successful career by that measure until something else comes up.