Monday, November 15, 2010

Tell your team how important they are!

What happens if you don't do your job well? Would the customer satisfaction go down, would the Sales Team get stuck when they try to create a quote or an order, would the Sales systems and processes be mis-aligned? These are some Sales related examples of what might happen. Answer this question for your job. In most cases you work with a team to achieve your objectives. Now when you have a team that brings up another question. What happens if your team is not doing their job well? Again look at some examples in your environment. If you work in a job that you are passionate about and your team is passionate about their work then you have to recognize the importance of your teams work.
As a Manager or Lead you have to make sure that everyone in your team understands that you appreciate their contribution. Recognize the importance of others honestly. Don't fake it because you think you should do it. This is about changing the work culture and aligning your organization's values and behavior.