Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Deliver value regularly!

Have you been in meetings where you keep discussing business cases, systems and processes over and over without making real progress? It might be because we don't have the right people in the meeting or we don't have the necessary data or any other reason. In any case we can't deliver at the end.
While discussions are good and important you have to keep in mind that at the end of the day you and your team have to deliver some value (e.g. product, service or make a decison). When we get lost in discussions we can't deliver. If we can't deliver we don't add any value and we don't learn. Therefore I think we have to determine your organizations Pain Threshold in hours/days/weeks/months for these discussions. Once you know that theshold you can act accordingly. For example: How long are you willing to discuss if you want to offer a certain Product via a Partner Channel in the Americas region? You obviously want to make the right decision and so you and your team spend 2 weeks to get all the data you need. Let's assume that 2 weeks would be an appropriate amount of time for this task. For various reasons some people weren't available and so you can't make the 2 weeks. What do you do? If you do nothing you just get used to delays and you actually ingrain this in your companies culture. Is that what you want? If not, do something about it and deliver value regularly. No excuses!