Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don't propose solutions!

If you as the leader have an idea how to solve a problem, do you share it right away? If you answer yes to this question I think you should review this approach because
  • it spoils the learning process for your team
  • the team might stop thinking about other options and just focus on your suggestion
  • the buy-in will be less as when the team comes up with a solution. The team is doing it because the Manager told them to do it.
Tell your team instead what you expect. Example: We have had too many errors with our sales orders lately. Can you come up with a plan how we can get back to a 95% clean order rate by January 1, 2011? Ask your team for a recommendation. Their solution might not be as good as your solution BUT the team (or person xzy) came up with it. Therefore the implementation of that plan will have their full commitment. Your objective is to address a business challenge not that everyone agrees with your suggestions, right?