Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who is making decisions?

For simple problems, it is highly likely that you can find the root cause easily and you can fix the issue quickly. Unfortunately not too many of our issues are in that area.
For complex problems, in contrast it is hard to find the root cause and it might not be trivial at all to fix the issue. The question here is who is making the decision to address these issues? I think that for complex problems the decisions have to go to that level in the organization that have the most experience with these problems. Because complex problems require mostly complex solutions. Let's look at an example: We run into a Software Issue and have agreed how the solution should look like, then it is the best to assign this to the Software Development Team responsible for that code to fix the issue.
Imagine how much time and effort you might waste if you have to explain all the technical details to a Senior Executive so that he or she can make a decision.
Therefore remember that before you go and try to find a solution yourself ask if the problem is simple or complex. If it is complex then determine which team has the most knowledge with that issue and take the problem to them. You do that because you trust those most familiar with the problem to make the right decisions.