Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to get buy in for your ideas?

What do you do when you are looking for buy in from another team, Senior Management etc? Have you tried to exclude the most difficult participants by scheduling a meeting at a time when these participants are not available? Did you try to convince them to listen to your point of view? How was that working for you? In the book "buy in" from John P. Kotter, he suggests to first get peoples attention before you even start to explain your idea. I think this makes a lot of sense. Think about all the information everyone of us gets every day: email, cell phone, SMS, Social Media, TV, Internet, friends, family etc. All these communications contribute to our information overflow. When people are distracted they won't listen carefully or long enough to your ideas and they might ignore you.
Therefore the first thing you have to think about is "How do you get peoples attention?" . As a starter (again from the Kotter book mentioned above) allow everyone to express their opinon about your idea. That is risky yes and if done wrong it might get your idea killed right away. Remember the goal is to get peoples attention and if they are paying attention they become engaged. If you get their attention you can use it to your advantage so that you get real commitment for your good ideas.