Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 New Year Resolutions

This is usually the time of year when many people come up with challenging goals for the next year. I consider these New Year Resolutions a great opportunity for change, if they are done right. Are you making any New Year Resolutions? I have some challenging and exciting new goals ahead of me and I'm already looking forward to tackle them in the New Year. 
In order for them to come true I consider two things critical, passion and discipline. Most Goals do not come true over night and so I try to measure how strong my passion is for a certain goal. My goals will be challenged, I might challenge them myself and therefore it is critical to look beyond the current moment and try to estimate how much I really want that change. If the answer is that I really want that change (not done in 1 day !!!) then I write down what I need to do to be successful. What would need to happen to make that goal come true? Do I have the necessary discipline to follow up on my passion? Apart from the current excitement and desire for positive change, am I willing to keep going when the going gets tough? If I can answer that positively then I go for it,  not just to feel good for a moment but to achieve the goal. It doesn't always work but in general the success rate is really high (>90%) for me. What do you do?