Sunday, December 5, 2010

Know what you can't do

In order to be really successful at anything you need to know what you can do and what you can't do. This is pretty clear as long as we talk about things like skiing, swimming or playing the piano. In case of skiing there are basically three questions
  1. Are you interested in skiing?         (Interest, Motivation, Enthusiams)
  2. Can you ski?                                (skill, knowledge)
  3. Are you physically able to ski?      (prerequisite)
If you answer yes to these three questions you will probably look forward to a weekend in the mountains. When you are not interested in skiing you will lack the motivation and hence chances are pretty high that it won't be good for you or the people you ski with. 
When you can't ski, it can still be good but it might get more costly because you will need to take skiing lessons. In the last case, if you are temporarily or permanently unable to ski then this is a no-brainer, you won't go skiing.
In the work place it is important to know which tasks you are interested in, which tasks you can already perform and if you fulfill the prerequisites to perform a certain task. Focus on the tasks that really interest you, make sure you can perform these tasks and then just do it!