- have a daily check sheet to write down what your days personal and professional goals are in prioritized order. Rate how you perceived the day at the end, rank it from a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest) in the different areas
- have a weekly plan. This would have more high level goals that you want to achieve (e.g. do something interesting and educational with the family on the weekend, finish a certain book by Saturday)
- Read something daily that helps you to grow as a person (e.g. personal development books, blogs etc.)
- Read professional magazines that you are deeply passionate about (e.g. I find "Entrepreneur" an inspirational read once a month, blogs) on a regular/daily basis
- schedule your day so that you have time for all the things that are important (e.g. sometimes it is work and sometimes it is the family)
There are many other things you can do and so I find it's always interesting to be open minded and see what other people consider helpful. What do you do to get your daily dose of inspiration?