Thursday, September 30, 2010


As a (Project) Manager you can't always pick the team members or the topics you have to work on. Nevertheless you're still expected to build, or to be a part of, an effective team quickly.This is a challenging task because it usually takes time to get to know each other while you work toward a common goal. A good team requires a certain degree of trust and respect in each other. Everyone in the team needs to have a desire to contribute to the teams objectives and to help each other out. Only when you achieve mutual trust within the team you can expect real teamwork. This means that indiviuals place their own interests beneath the best interest of the team. In order to have this success you also have to be willing to pay the price for it. Every Team member has to be willing to sacrifice time and energy and to be accountable. In the end it will come down to the desire, dedication and enthusiasm of every individual on the team.
In a successful team people look out for each other. When team members care only about themselves the whole team suffers. Based on my experience I think that the best way to build relationships is to get people together outside of a work context. What are you doing to build a successful team?