What is the most effective way to share idea's? When something works well in a project or program it is always a question how you can spread this idea to more teams/people. In many cases the approach will be formalized and added to a "Best Practices" Document. While this might spread the idea, maybe via a Project Management Office, it also takes some life out of it. Generally people are excited if something works and they are typically glad to share what made them successful. When you just write it down in a document you take some life out of the idea.
To keep the idea alive and get the excitement to more teams have you thought about sharing people instead of documents? You can get some "live" feedback from "future idea adopters" and see what they consider good or bad and improve the idea even further. In addition to the feedback itself, the process of getting together and sharing the idea improves the relationship with colleagues/clients. Whenever your idea lends itself to being spread in such a way, do it. The idea will spread faster and will have a longer lasting impact.