In my blog posts I focus mostly on the necessary soft-skills to succeed. Obviously that doesn't mean that functional skills (e.g. agile Project Management, Product Management) are not important. In fact they are very important! It is up to you to get, or keep, your functional skills where they need to be so that you can do what you want to do. If you are truly passionate about your job or desired job it shouldn't be that hard since you do what you want to do. On the other hand if you do it only for money or recognition from your peers or friends that can be challenging. I think you achieve the best results when you deeply care about something.
Something you don't forget as soon as you leave the (virtual) class room. In some companies you will be required to attend some classes but that is not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about functional skills YOU really want to master. YOU want to learn this and become better and better at it. You get a real desire to master this topic and help others with your skills.
Maybe you need an additional degree or you need to study for a certification or maybe you need to get some funding to finance your start-up company. Whatever it is that drives you make sure that you clearly define your goals and objectives and then go for it.