When I walked my dog a couple of weeks ago I listened to a Podcast from the Cranky Middle Manager show. This episode was with Tony Schwartz and was about 4 needs (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) that we all have. I thought it was 25 minutes very well spend especially since he had some interesting, practical idea's combined with scientific evidence like planning your day in 90 minute blocks. Focus 100% on a task for 90 minutes and then take a break. Breaks are important!
A couple of years ago I didnt' take any breaks. I was in projects where I was so consumed by some tasks that I didn't want to take a break. I wanted to get the tasks done, I needed to know that the open tasks were properly addressed. So I spend many late hours without any breaks and still didn't get it done properly. Then in the late evening I even had problems getting to sleep because the open tasks/questions were still following me. When I got up the next day I was exhausted and the tasks got even harder. Then a couple of days later ,after I had a short break and some distance, I was walking the dog or running and I got the idea that helped to solve the task. Tony Schwartz describes some of these learning's in an entertaining and concise way in this podcast. Listen to it! It can help you to plan more efficiently.